what is PI network? pi network coin


Hey guys, welcome Friends today we will talk about PI network


What's so special in Pi??


Why it is going to be a huge success??


This question is definitely running in your mind that what makes Pi special?? We already have such famous cryptocurrencies for example Bitcoin, Ethereum, so

where Pi stands??


What is lacking in these famous coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum that Pi has to come forward. So, guys, this video will be a little technical So read it carefully.


So, let’s talk about Bitcoin and Ethereum


Their mining is done with the help of consensus algorithm And the name of that algorithm is Proof of Work And this proof of work algorithm depends upon large computational powers, More the computational power, higher will be the mining speed


Now let’s talk about its limitations


Firstly, for such computational powers, we need large hardware’s and software’s So, it is out of the reach of common people to do mining Secondly the transactions speed is slow, If anyone of you does bitcoin transactions then you must know that it takes some time for the transactions approximately half an hour to one hour. And in order to increase transaction speed, we have to give extra fees and the 3rd main problem is a concern to the environment If we look at the data of the last few years, the bitcoin mining results in 3 - 25 megatons of carbon emission which is very harmful to our environment.

Cryptocurrency coins | Random pile of cryptocurrency coins i… | Flickr

Now to fill up these limitations, many new coins arrived. One of them was Ripple and the other was Stellar which is also known as Lumen And one of the co-founders of Ripple has made Stellar. Their main benefit was the difference in consensus algorithm with respect to bitcoin and Ethereum Now let’s talk about the benefits of Ripple and Stellar Algorithm


Firstly, fast transactions


Secondly, low wastage of energy


Their coins or already pre-mined,


that's why less wastage of energy


Now, let's talk about the difference between these two.

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the main difference is the target audience. The main focus of Ripple is on large banks and institutions So that, they can easily do cross-border payments very fast and with less cost Now the Stellar's main focus is on  giving payment platform to the developing countries or the under-developed countries so that they can do cross border transactions easily and effectively


Now let's talk about their limitations due to which Pi have to come forward.


If you know a little bit about cryptocurrencies then you must have known that, one of the main motives of cryptocurrency is to be fully decentralized but there were only a few private nodes in Stellar and Ripple due to which they are actually centralized networks and not decentralized networks and their audience is also limited And after this, Pi network came into existence. It worked on the limitations of both types of cryptocurrencies. As the algorithm of bitcoin was lacking and the nodes of Stellar and Ripple were private, not public. means the network was centralized

 Bitcoin Blockchain Cryptocurrency - Free image on Pixabay

So, Pi network came up with the algorithm that it has taken from Stellar named Stellar Consensus Protocol And Secondly, since there was a limitation of private nodes So, Pi network came up with Public nodes, So that the network will be fully decentralized And the main audience of Pi network is everyday people So that everyday people can transact in cryptocurrency easily So, is that all???????

Wait Wait Wait!!


Do you know, most of the cryptocurrencies have zero intrinsic value? Their value depends totally upon demand and supply. they don't have their own value. But Pi network is focusing on building intrinsic value by backing up it with physical assets and services.

Now the question is,

 How Pi network is going to build intrinsic value


The answer to this is, by making an App Store. Where we can Buy and Sell commodities or services with Pi. As we all know at this time, Pi is running in the Testing phase, which means running in Phase 2. where its main focus is on the deployment of nodes. so that it can become a fully decentralized network and secondly, building up an App Store. which probably can be done at the end of this year.


but be aware, Pi is not officially listed yet


It will be on exchange in 3rd phase


and guys, for the time being, click daily on mining and collect Pi as much as possible. If it got success, it will change our lives. Don't let this opportunity slip through your hands.


If you haven't joined yet, what are you waiting for man!!

 Pi Network Mission Statement, Employees and Hiring | LinkedIn

If you want to join then click here PI network coin


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  1. Join our group on PI network called fistful of dollar's under the referral ( brandor )

    This is the android url Pi Network.

    This group is in PI for the long haul and will be trying for a supernode, we are also looking for referrals to help with apps for PI services, games and communications to link all the nodes and members in one happy space. Remember you still have time before phase 3 to be where I am presently over 1000 PI coins.

    We will help you succeed, so we all can succeed, as one large network connecting our world.

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